FlockYou (don't be sheep, have an opinion)

What the Flock?

FlockYou is an open exchange of opinions resulting in a binary consensus.

We want you to be a part of a massive community of opinionated people, the more it grows, the more valuable the results, to everyone.

There's no debate, and you have to fit your opinion in under 256 characters, so there's no room for bluster or bloat.

FlockYou vs Forums

Who has time to debate? And really, who cares about a three page diatribe about something you don't agree with anyway, it's not going to change your mind.

Get in, opine, get out, done! Back to your day feeling satisfied that you told 100 people to flock off (or not) in three minutes or less.

FlockYou vs Polls

Everybody has polls, they can be fun, some are scientific, some are not.

We've taken the poll to it's most primitive function, agree or disagree with something. Not a lot of choices, which makes it fast and accurate (and a lot of fun).

FlockYou Mobile

You know what's fun? Just sitting and watching the stupid amazing things people do and being able to just text your opinion to a million users.

FlockYou for Fun

Getting that small emotional high of debate (without the time consuming debate part) is very rewarding. Be prepared, it can be addictive and you can get lost in the random opinion button.

FlockYou for Business

A million dollars or a million opinions? We're not saying that market research is dead, it has its place, but why not see what people think before signing that check?

Sheep! (don't be one)

A meek, unimaginative, easily led ruminant mammal typically kept as livestock.